
Basic Info:

• He/they
• 18 y/o (March 8)
• Filipino 🇵🇭
• Autistic + ADHD
• INTP - 9w8

Before you follow...

My account is overall 13+. However I might post art that might be triggering to some (such as violence, epileptic colors, etc), a trigger warning will be labeled accordingly (except in Reddit sometimes so beware). Even though I draw certain things doesn't mean I support or condone those things at all. It's all for creative expression. 👍Also, if you're uncomfortable with the stuff I create, you are more than welcome to scroll down and leave or block me. The choice was always been yours to make.


If you support the following:Pedophilia, incest, pro-shipping, necrophilia, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, racism, ableism, antisemitism, thinking rape jokes are funny, zoophilia, lolicon/shotacon, sexism, Nazism, general gate keepers, etc (basically general problematic things).

Before you interact...

Please keep in mind when interacting with me (both in posts and DMs):— I might respond to you late due to my timezone (GMT +8) and often get overwhelmed by socializing with people (regardless if we're close or not). So, please be patient with me.— Please don't DM me asking to be friends, I personally think it's abrupt for me to build a friendship right from the get-go and rather have it develop over time in numerous interactions. Being mutuals at the start is fine though 👍.— For irl friends and mutuals, please don't reveal my real name and information in comments and to others on my account.

For Fanart and Gifts!

If you've made art about my stuff, hear these out:- Tag me on the socials that is listed in this carrd. If I don't have the social media that you're using to post the fanart, a credit to my username (Mirrodox) is fine! (Tysm to those who made fanart btw */munches it)- DON'T draw NSFW of my OC's 😕. Gore and graphic fanart is okay as long that isn't meant to be insulting.- Drawing anything about my creation that contains content from the DNI list is also NOT welcome.